Glass and Chrome Side Table with handle and Aluminium weighted base | Vintage 1980's

Glass and Chrome Side Table with handle and Aluminium weighted base | Vintage 1980's
Product Description
Postmodern design is at its zenith in this circa 1980s style glass top circular table with chrome frame and handle, accented by a 'rubber ball'. This side table is equal parts quirk and useful - the weighted base makes the table sturdy and balanced, while the handle makes it portable and highly adaptable. The polished chromium plated tubular steel frame, and clear polished plate glass make it elegant with a timeless style comfortable in many interior designs.
Colour - Glass, Aluminium, Chrome
Maker/Artist/Creator/Designer - Carlo Bimbi
Material + Techniques - Glass, Aluminium, Chrome, rubber
Date Piece Was Created - Circa 1978
Dimensions - Height 790mm - 570mm x 570mm
Hallmarks/Attributions - Makers mark
Condition - Excellent Vintage Condition